Tyrosyl tRNA/aminoacyl-synthetase for the incorporation of 2-nitrophenylalanine
To get the noncanonical amino acid 2-nitrophenylalanine (2-NPA) incorporated into a protein, such as the fusion protein of K2201321, a sequence with a TAG is needed along with an additional tRNA synthetase (RS) that is able to load the ncAA to the tRNA. The ribosome is then able to incorporate this amino acid at an amber codon if the target protein with the amber codon and a plasmid with the 2NPA-RS and tRNA are co-transformed. This part contains a promotor for the 2-NPA-RS and the coding sequence for the RS. Additionally, it contains the promoter for the CUA-tRNA and the tRNA sequence itself followed by a terminator ( Figure 1). It was designed by an evolution experiment of Peters et al, 2009.
In that specific evolution experiment, ten amino acids in the TyrRS were randomly mutated, resulting in six clones with good incorporation properties for 2-NPA. The best one displayed fidelity rates of approximately 95 %. Therefore, its sequence was used for our gene synthesis. Below is a comparison of the mutated amino acid sequences of the M. jannaschii TyrRS, the ONBY-RS and the 2-NPA-RS (Table 1).
To proof that the 2-NPA-RS is expressed when E.coli is transformed with this BioBrick, we made an SDS-Page with the cell lysate of a preculture containing this part. The expected molecular weight of our synthetase is 34.76 kDa with an isoelectric point of 6.23. As seen in Figure 2, the SDS-Page shows that the 2-NPA-RS is well expressed in the E.coli strain BL21(DE3) when transformed with the BioBrick.
To proof that our new synthetase is also functional and loads 2-NPA onto the CUA-tRNA, we expressed the fusion proteins of [K2201320 and K2201321 separately, and additionally K2201321 co-transformed with K2201200. K2201320 encodes a fusion protein of GFP and streptavidin just like K2201321. The fusion protein of K2201321 contains an amber-codon in the linker between GFP and streptavidin, such that the expression will stop after the GFP sequence. A western blot with GFP antibodies was performed to show the filling of the amber-codon in K2201301 through our synthetase (Figure 3).
To test if we are even able to change the structure of 2-NPA by irradiating with our LED panel to induce the cleavage of the protein, we made an in vitro test. We supplemented LB media with 1 mM of 2-NPA and did absorption measurements over 4 hours while irradiating with UV-light in a microwell plate. We noticed that there was a high absorption in the UV spectrum (< 300 nm), which makes sense hinge 2-NPA absorbs the UV-light to do the self-cyclization reaction (Figure 4). Over time we noticed a constant increase in the absorption spectrum at approximately 340 nm which indicates the emergence of a chemical component due to the irradiation process. We are pretty sure that this compound is the self-cyclezised 2-NPA, proposed by Peters et al. which leads to a shift in the absorption spectrum.
The western blot (Figure 5) confirmed our expectations. The bands of the whole fusion protein, of the GFP-units and the cleaved streptavidin-Tags are clear to see. We also see that the GFP-bands are very thick compared to the others, what cannot be explained by the photolysis itself. It seems like the 2-NPA-RS is not very effective in loading 2-NPA to the amber tRNA, which leads to a high amount of incomplete expression of the fusion protein. The low efficiency of our 2-NPA-RS was confirmed by our synthetase-test system ([K2201343).
The emission specters of the test system cotransformed with the 2-NPA-RS shows no strong shift when cultivated with or without 2-NPA (Figure 6). This indicates that there is not significantly more CFP-YFP fusion protein expressed when the ncAA is supplemented to the media. This does not mean that the synthetase does not incorporate 2-NPA at all, but the ratio of 2-NPA to native amino acids coupled to the amber tRNA cannot be describes preciously.
The 2-NPA-RS has also a medium to low negative score of 0.73±0.07, which means it is a bit more specific than the Prk-RS. The positive score of 1.60±0.06 is pretty bad, as it is not half as high as the positive score of the Prk-RS. This leads to a mean score of just 1.68±0.07.
Sequence and Features
- 21INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[21]Illegal BglII site found at 1153
Illegal BamHI site found at 1159 - 23COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[23]
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal NgoMIV site found at 404
Illegal NgoMIV site found at 1185
Illegal NgoMIV site found at 1645 - 1000COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[1000]
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